“Often we may feel that something in us doesn’t want to be understood or healed. We don’t want to go to the doctor. We decide against taking a class. We’re tired of the friend who always tries to change us, give us advice, or figure us out. These feelings, sometimes dismissed as resistance or defense, may be Daphne sensitivities, honest emotions keeping the soul intact.”
From “Soul Mates” ~ Thomas Moore ~ (1779 – 1852)
Are you having a rough time of it right now? Are you swinging between feeling positive, energised and clear-headed and demotivated, depressed and barely able to get up off the couch?
Many of the sensitive souls I know are experiencing these big swings, or at least having unexplained moments of just feeling emotionally ‘off’. There is little of the enthusiasm we usually feel at the beginning of a new year.
But take heart, my sensitive friends. We aren’t done with 2012 yet, and that’s what you’re processing through your own bodies – the slow death of the old way of being, and the strained beginnings of new life. Birth and death always heighten the senses, and lots of what you’re feeling is internal processing of external energies. In other words, it’s not you, and your sensitivity is actually being utilised to help clear residual energy patterns and anchor new ones.
And sweetheart, that’s part of what you signed up for! So thank you. :)
Here’s my First Aid Kit of suggestions to help you get through the next few weeks:
- Get outside and get your bare feet on the ground. Grounding ourselves into the earth helps immensely. Not sure how to ground, or even what it means? Take the crash course here: Staying Grounded in Uncertain Times
- Stay hydrated with plenty of good clean water. Avoid stimulants like caffeine, Red Bull and other energy drinks. Limit your alcohol intake.
- Eat lightly, and choose foods that are fresh, seasonal and as unprocessed as possible. Avoid sugar and junk food. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices are always good choices. Think GREEN.
- Limit exposure to crowds and to toxic environments and people – you have enough to deal with right now. Why add to your burden?
- Use crystals. If you’re feeling ungrounded, overwhelmed or unsafe I recommend Black Tourmaline. If you’re processing anger and other unpleasant lower vibration emotions use Carnelian or Hematite. If your health is suffering and you feel the need to physically detox or re-energise a nice piece of Bloodstone or Mookaite. For love and support a Rose Quartz will do nicely. I don’t recommend Smoky Quartz, Clear Quartz or Amethyst at this time – you don’t want to shield yourself, you just want help to process, let go, and be supported in doing so. Never used crystals before? Go here : How to work with Crystals
- PS *If it gets all too much, and you’re at the end of your tether go with Smoky Quartz!
- Epsom Salts Baths are a fantastic emergency procedure. They cleanse the aura, and deliver a strong dose of magnesium to your body, to help soothe a frazzled nervous system and relax all your weary muscles.
- Meditate. I’ve recorded or described a few simple meditations that you may find useful. The links for them are here:
Meditation for Reducing Inflammation and Promoting Healing within your Body
Guided Meditation for Panic, Anxiety and Fear
How to do a walking meditation
‘Pebbles for your Pocket’ meditation for Inner Peace
Tibetan Singing Bowl Healing Meditation
Know that in my twice daily meditations I’m sending you Love, Light and emotional support. We’ll get through this together. Thanks for being part of the Shift. Much love to you ♥ xoxo